I am so thrilled that we sent some love for senior portraits into the universe… we have been booking quite a handful of late and I am loving every minute of it. We shot Madison and Caroline’s sessions together, at Madison’s home. Both ladies were Senior Representatives for their high schools and each had a three outfit session… In total, as a Senior Representative, she gets 50 Portfolio Mastered images at her online store. Each have been hand-retouched (like all of our images) and have custom color effects, black and white conversions, and natural blemish removal. She also gets 50 webcards to share with her friends and family and 10 facebook files included with her package.
These images are really exciting for me… and I have begun to develop a particular fondness for these senior sessions. I am really enjoying the process of shooting and editing the seniors we have been working with lately. Madison did such a great job at her session and these portraits really indicate something to me about her bright and nurturing character…
Madison had two casual outfits and then the last was pictures for her yearbook. We set up some lights at the house and spent about 15 minutes, which yielded her 10 expressions and poses to choose from.